Our congregation is fully involved in mission and ministry. Each month dozens and dozens of people reach out in our fellowship, and into the community, to serve in meaningful and profound ways. Listed on our website are several, but not all, of the many ministries that take place on or off our campus. Please click the ministry you would like to learn more about. For a complete list contact the church office and we’ll be happy to send you a comprehensive list.
Adult Bible Study
Sunday morning is the busiest time of the week for our adult classes; other classes are scheduled throughout the week. We offer varied classes ranging from Bible studies to witnessing to small groups to help with parenting skills .and much more. We also occasionally offer classes in Biblical history, Lutheran theology and topical studies.
Please join us and grow in your relationship with Jesus as we walk together. Throughout the year different Bible Studies are offered on Sunday Mornings following the 8:00 am service.
Click the following link to reach the Bible Studies page: Bible Studies
Adult Small Groups
Looking to make new friends through Bible study and fellowship? Looking for a small, intimate group to share common interests and prayers? Our small group ministry may be just what you need. Contact Edda Peed in the church office if you’d like to join a small group.
In a small group, you:
- become friends with people, instead of being lost in the crowd.
- discuss your questions of faith in a welcoming atmosphere.
- share your burdens and challenges and you receive mutual support.
- join with fellow believers in serving in the Lord’s kingdom.
- discover your gifts and strengths as you grow in faith.
- meet at a time and place that is convenient for you.
Sunday Bible Studies are led by the Pastor or lay leader from 9:10 – 10.05 am with a variety of topics.
- Adult Bible Study – Led by Pastor Joshua Palmer
You are invited to join fellow adults in reading, discussing and applying the Word of God in our lives in the 21st century, please bring your Bible.
Meets in the Music Room, Room 14 9:30 – 11:00 am
Contact the Church office for information on how to join the class on zoom.
Women’s Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Studies classes are happening throughout the week. Contact the Church office for times and locations.
Children Ministry:
We want children to experience the love of Jesus, go away with a desire to reach out to others for Jesus, and have fun while doing it.
At Fountain of Life we have Sunday School and Camp For All.
Sunday School:
Sunday School begins in August for grades preschool-5th grade. It will be held between church services from 9:10 am to 10.05 am.
Camp for All:
Camp for All is held monthly and is open to all church and community members from 3:00 to 5:00 PM with food, games and fellowship. Watch for announcements for information.
Mission Statement:
We are a Christ-Centered Canine assisted Ministry to support those in time of need within the FOL Congregation and community at large.
Ministry Team Goals:
1. Connect with others through the love and support of our animals.
2. Love others in time of need through fellowship, compassion, and prayer.
3. Serve by working with others to improve human health through interactions with our therapy

Since Karen (Joy), Joan (Gidget), Diane (Doc) were installed in 2022; joining Sheri (Katy and Hope) these ministers of Fountain of Life have been at FOL and in the community sharing God’s love. We were pleased at the end of 2023 to add Jan (Eirny) and early in 2024 Jan (David) to our group.
FOL’s Comfort Therapy Dog Ministry has participated in events at the U of A to aid students in destressing, visited Square and Compass Children’s Clinic, visited nursing homes and participated in services at FOL and in the community. We visited Sahuaro High School in a self-contained special needs classroom and in the library for visits from all students. We visited several schools in Tucson and Marana after tragedies on campus. We also visit several libraries each month to participate in Read to a Dog activities. Some of our activities are coordinated by Pet Partners or the Humane Society. Our handler teams are registered with these organizations. Sheri (Katy) and Karen participated in a TAPS camp through Extra Mile Ministries with Chaplain Ralph in the Phoenix area.
We provided Easter breakfast at Fountain of Life in 2023 and 2024 and plan to continue doing that each year to raise funds for our ministry. In 2023 we went through the process to become a 501c3.
This year we would like to become a LERT congregation so that we can then be teams within their network to provide early response in crisis situations again to share God’s love whenever, wherever needed.
Nursing Home Chapels
Fountain of Life volunteers share Christ’s love by providing weekly chapel services at three local nursing homes; Devon Gables, Foothills Rehab Center and Woodland Palms. These services can often be the only chance for the residents of these facilities to worship and are highly valued by them.
Alaska Mission
Working through Alaska Missions for Christ, over the last 20 years our years our congregation has sponsored various mission teams to different parts of Alaska. Our teams have ministered in Homer, Copper Center, the Coastguard stationed on Kodiak Island, Healy, Metlakatla, Haines and Palmer, sharing the Gospel by hosting Vacation Bible School or working on service projects.
Large Print Bibles
Large Print Bibles for the visually impaired are produced weekly at FOL by a small group of dedicated volunteers. Lutheran Braille Works, Inc. receives requests for large print Bibles and Mustard See devotionals from all over the United States and world. Currently our Mission Center produces 3 complete Bibles and 22 Mustard Seeds Devotionals per month which are shipped through the U.S. and world.
The tasks required for producing the books include printing, punching the paper and covers, binding each volume, proofreading, making boxes, packing and shipping. Each center across the U. S. is responsible for funding the supplies and shipping for their center. Donations for the production and shipping of Large Print Bibles may be sent to Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc. in Yucaipa, CA. FOL is Center #200. New volunteers are welcome to attend the workshop on Thursday mornings at 9:00 am in Room 10.
Lutheran Women in Mission (aka LWML)
Lutheran Women in Mission is an official auxiliary of the LCMS. It is the leading group for LCMS women of all ages. The mission of Lutheran Women in Mission is to welcome and encourage each woman to use her God-given gifts as she serves to support local and global missions. District and National mission grants are awarded each biennium and are subsidized through mite offering awarding over $2,500,000.
All women of the Lutheran church are considered members of Lutheran Women in Mission. Our local group of about 25 active members meets monthly for Bible study, fellowship, service projects and business meetings. Sub groups include Crafty Ladies, Ruth Quilters and those who serve Memorial/Funeral Receptions throughout the year. Crafty Ladies knit, crochet and make items for the Fall Market as well as for the Faith School Christmas Shop and also make items such as prayer shawls and fidget mats for distribution at local assisted living centers. The Ruth Quilters currently have about 12 ladies who make quilts for local missions and outreach programs such as Orphan Grain Train, Habitat for Humanity, Lutheran Social Services, Tucson Medical Center Pediatric Unit, and We Honor Vets Program. We help fund our mission projects through our Fall Quilts & Crafts Market held each October.
Our mission goal is to provide mission grants each year which reflect the LWML Pledge as being God’s hands, feet, and voices to work in His kingdom. Locally we provide about $5,000 in yearly mission grants, including scholarships for future church workers.
We meet regularly with other Lutheran Women in Mission societies in our Zone and District at Rallies, Celebrations, Conventions and Prayer Services.
We welcome your involvement, however you are able to be of service. Meeting attendance is optional and you can be a “Mailbox Member” and receive the information and choose how you would like to be of help. If you have interest in learning more about our missions ministry, please contact one of our officers. Our meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and are publicized in the Ripples. All women are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Ruth Guild
The Ruth Guild sends about 20-25 quilts to Lutheran World Relief each year. These are made from new and clean recycled fabrics. Along with the Lutheran World Relief quilts, the Ruth Guild makes about 30 quilts for our local Holiday Market. Proceeds from the Market go to our mission projects fund. The Ruth Guild also makes quilts and blankets for Tucson Medical Center Children’s Hospital and quilts which are used to honor our veterans through the TMC hospice program.
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:1-2
The Chancel Choir sings during the 8:00 am service from September through May. The choir is open to anyone with a love of singing and no musical experience is necessary. Practice time is Tuesdays at 5:00 pm.

Handbells are temporarily on hold until we find a new director. Handbells are a beautiful form of music played at both the 8:00 am and 10:15 am services, alternately. Handbell players are always needed.
“Joyful Noise” supplies the music for the Contemporary Service at 10:15 am. It is a contemporary musical group using a number of musical instruments and vocals. They provide music and portions of the liturgy and prayers during the service. Practice time is Sundays at 9:30 am and following the 10:00 am worship.

Fountain of Life looks for opportunities to share Special Musical Events. We have hosted Several Concordia Choruses as well as the Big Big Band from Sweden and Children’s groups from Africa.
Prayer Pause
Prayer Pause is a community outreach ministry inviting people, both inside and outside our Church, to stop and pray for people in our community, our nation and our world. On Saturday mornings, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., a canopy is put up by the street in front of the church inviting people to stop and pray.
Pastor Prayer Partners
Christ prayed and Christ taught us to pray. Every Sunday before church, a group of FOL members gather to pray. Guided by a set of 16 points that assure that the group is focused and cover all needs, the group offers prayers to God, prayers for the pastor, Fountain of Life, its ministries, people and staff. We also pray for all the people who work and volunteer in the church daily, weekly, and monthly, including praying for the special needs and events of the church.
Prayer Partners – After Service
If you are in need of special prayer, there will be someone available to pray with you in the Library/ Prayer Room following each weekly service on Sunday. Turn right as you leave the sanctuary and go two doors down. A “Prayer” member will be happy to pray for you or with you according to your needs.

Middle School Ministry (Confirmation)
Fountain of Life Youth Confirmation
It’s time for Confirmation to begin. We are working to provide your middle schooler the very best experience. Our goal is for every youth is to:
- Be connected to Christ at a deeper level through learning
- Love each other in a Christian community
- Serve others outside of FOL
Time: Sundays, 9:10 am to 10:10
- Dates: Sunday morning
- Mini-retreats:
- Place: Youth Room FLC
What does my youth need?
- Bible.
- Luther’s Small Catechism
- Sola Confirmation Series study guides, The Old Testament. $12 each (financial assistance is available)
Each youth is expected to participate in and complete the following:
- Regular class attendance
- An agreed upon attendance and participation in worship
- A short paragraph describing what they remember from the sermon that week,
- Completion of any homework
- Personal and class service projects
- Respectful and appropriate behavior during class.
- Attend “mini-retreats”
Instruction Overview:
There will be two distinct types of activities in each session: instructional and relational. The instructional sessions will the Six Chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism and seek to actively engage the participants through activities, games, videos, role plays, etc. Relational sessions will focus on developing spiritual disciplines, relationship building, and life application and will be linked to the content covered in each instructional session. Both types of sessions are essential to the spiritual development and growth of a young disciple.
Senior High Youth Group
Currently we are seeking high school age young people to restart our Youth Ministry. Please contact the church to let us know your interest.
Pastor Counseling provided by Pastor Luke Stephan at FOL is a specialized service provided to a person, a couple, or a family to help with an emotional, relational, psychological or spiritual difficulty. The focus is to support healthy, responsible, God-pleasing beliefs, behaviors, emotions, and relationships; and is available to all FOL church members and to anyone from the community. Call Pastor Luke at 520-747-1213, if you have any questions or to set an appointment.